Phl urges Malaysian peace monitors in Mindanao to be more cautious after Sabah clash

COTABATO, Philippines (Xinhua) - Malaysian peace monitors in Mindanao are facing security risks after the fighting erupted yesterday morning in Sabah, Malaysia that left 12 Sulu militants and two Malaysian policemen dead, a consultant of the Armed Force of the Philippines (AFP) said Saturday.

Peace consultant of AFP Eid Kabalu, who was a spokesman for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), said by phone that in order to prevent sympathizers of Sultan of Sulu from taking revenge, Malaysian soldiers monitoring the truce between MILF and Philippine government were advised by the Coordinating Committee on Cessation of Hostilities to be more cautious and limit their movement in the region.

"Authorities are now beefing up the security as part of precautionary measures. While there is still no prior information, Malaysian contingent were asked to limit their movement," Kabalu said.

Kuala Lumpur, brokering the peace negotiations between Philippine government and MILF, is leading the International Monitoring Team in the restive Southern Philippines.  

On Friday, at least 12 followers of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III were killed as fighting broke out on Lahad Datu, Sabah after a long standoff between the two groups. Two members of the Malaysian security forces were also killed in the clash as well.  


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