Cebu gov welcomes UNA’s ‘3 kings’

From left, former President Joseph Estrada, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and Vice President Jejomar Binay join Cebu Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia in a Mass held at the capitol yesterday. FREEMAN

MANILA, Philippines - Suspended Cebu Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia welcomed yesterday a visit from the leaders of the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), whom she called the “three kings.”

Vice President Jejomar Binay, former President Joseph Estrada and Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile went to the provincial capitol where Garcia has been staying since her suspension was served last Wednesday, to show support for the beleaguered governor.

Garcia belongs to the UNA coalition.

“I am here to give support to the governor. She is responsible for Cebu’s progress. I hope all the Cebuanos will support her too,” Estrada said, calling the suspension order “un-Christian.”

Garcia said the moral support shown by the “three kings,” who she said are known and respected public officials, provided a boost to Cebuanos who cannot express their support for her.

“It has further strengthened my faith in Him. His ways we may not understand, but I trust in Him. In behalf of the Cebuanos, we thank you Vice President Binay, Manong Johnny and Pangulong (President) Erap for taking up the cause of the Cebuanos,” said Garcia when asked for comment on the presence of the three.

The three leaders were joined by former senator Ernesto Maceda and local politicians here.

In a speech she delivered hours later, Garcia said she is the duly elected governor, and had been elected not just once but thrice, and she will not follow an illegal order.

Garcia was ordered suspended by the Office of the President for usurpation of authority, stemming from a case filed by then vice governor Gregorio Sanchez Jr.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr., in a text message to The Freeman, denied going to the provincial capitol yesterday, contrary to reports.

“Manong Pabling is my friend but that is a local problem. Wouldn’t want to be involved,” said Belmonte, referring to Cebu Rep. Pablo Garcia, the father of the governor.

On the other hand, acting Gov. Agnes Magpale assured Cebuanos that despite the continuing refusal of Garcia to step down, she is not remiss in imposing the clear mandate of the law, and that is to uphold the atmosphere of civility and strict compliance with the Local Government Code and the Constitution.

When asked what she would tell the President if he will call her about the current situation at the capitol, Magpale said, “I will tell the President not to worry. I am in control of everything here.”

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