Pinoy maids in Singapore to get pay hike – DOLE

MANILA, Philippines - Filipino household service workers (HSWs) in Singapore will soon enjoy a pay hike, the Department of Labor and Employment said yesterday.

Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz said employers in Singapore have agreed to upgrade the pay scales of HSWs to a minimum of $400.

Citing a report of the Association of Licensed Recruiters Agencies for Singapore, Inc. (ALRAS), Baldoz said the decision of the Singaporean employers is consistent with the Philippine government’s reform package for HSWs.

“It also reflects a magnanimous response, on the part of the employers, to meet the minimum standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO)’s Convention Decent Work for Domestic Workers,” Baldoz said.

She said the ALRAS has conducted a goodwill mission to Singapore to address concerns affecting the welfare of Filipino domestic workers.

As a result, Baldoz said the general membership of ALRAS unanimously agreed to implement the substantial improvement of the condition of OFWs.

On top of the minimum $400 salary for HSWs, recruiters also agreed to a no placement fee policy before departure.

Employers also promised to provide the HSWs three meals a day, one day off and at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Baldoz said the commitment of foreign recruiters to comply with the Philippines’ HSW reform package is very timely, since the department is committed to promote the welfare and ensure the protection of workers.

“Our ratification of the Domestic Workers Convention further compelled us to be steadfast in our resolve to implement the reform package,” she said.

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