Purisima: One-strike policy vs jueteng to continue

MANILA, Philippines - Deputy Director General Alan Purisima, who assumes command of the Philippine National Police tomorrow, said he will continue the “one-strike” policy against jueteng.

In Pangasinan, the campaign against the illegal numbers game will continue under his watch, he said.

Purisima warned police officials that he will not hesitate to dismiss them once proven that they are in cahoots with gambling lords in their jurisdictions.

“We would enlist the help of all stakeholders to stamp out jueteng, not only in Pangasinan, but all over the country,” he said in an interview.

Purisima was provincial director of Pangasinan before being promoted director of the Central Luzon police and the National Capital Region Police Office.

He was the chief directorial staff prior to his appointment as PNP chief to replace outgoing Director General Nicanor Bartolome.

Purisima said jai-alai exists in Pangasinan with permission from municipal mayors.

“What I know is that the jai-alai games are legal,” he said.

“But we will seek first what is the illegal aspect of the said games before conducting operations to stop it,” he said.

Bugallon Mayor Rodrigo Orduña has filed graft charges against Pangasinan Gov. Amado Espino before the Office of the Ombudsman for allegedly receiving as much as P800 million jueteng payola for a decade.

Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas II has vowed to investigate Orduña’s accusations.

The investigation will be devoid of any political color, he added.

The provincial board of Pangasinan has thrown its all out support for Espino. Vice Gov. Ferdinand Calimlim declared: “There is no truth to the allegations against the governor.”

Get job done

Purisima will not employ a dictatorial-type of leadership over 154,000 policemen.

“My leadership style is I will give chance to our people to lead,” he said. “It’s not my style to dictate on a police officer what to do. Police commanders should know what to do and should not be dictated by others in defining his/her work.”

Purisima said the police commander must show he is capable and effective in his job.

“Police commanders must make sure to get the job done,” he said.

Purisma said he will consider the peculiarity of situations and circumstance in cities and localities in allowing commanders to employ their own strategies.

“Guide your men to be able to accomplish their task properly,” he said. “Not all situations are similar, particularly in the maintenance of peace and order. What’s important is for the police commander to be able to promote peace and order effort of the PNP.” 

Purisima said a police commander must look at the overall performance of his men then have his own strategy in addressing concerns in his area of jurisdiction.

Purisima said he will be strict against unscrupulous policemen whom he will terminate from the service.

“By word ‘sibak’ means relief from the position then he will get another position,” he said.

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