UK envoy: Bridges Program misunderstood

MANILA, Philippines - British Ambassador Stephen Lillie has brushed off the controversy brewing over alleged irregularities surrounding the P111 billion spent for the Presidential Bridges Program, especially over the component funded by overseas development assistance (ODA) from the United Kingdom.

Lillie said the issue was just a result of “a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation” about the program.

He added the controversy will not affect UK’s interest to extend assistance to the Aquino government’s public-private partnership (PPP) projects.

The PBP is being investigated by the Senate Blue Ribbon committee.

The probe was triggered by an exposé of Sen. Sergio Osmeña III that some P111 billion had been spent for the “bridges-to-nowhere” projects during the Arroyo administration.

Former President Fidel Ramos earlier defended the PBP, saying it was launched to address the country’s need for at least 15,000 spans or 20,000 lineal meters of bridges all over the country.

Ramos unveiled the program in 1992.



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