Sandigan issues hold-departure order vs Lozada

MANILA, Philippines - The Sandiganbayan issued a hold-departure order yesterday barring Cocogen Insurance board member Rodolfo Noel Lozada Jr. from leaving the country.

The anti-graft court’s Fourth Division chaired by Associate Justice Gregory Ong said the Bureau of Immigration has been informed that two graft cases have been filed against the national broadband network deal anomaly whistleblower.

Under the rules, Lozada may not leave the country unless he secures a travel clearance from the Sandiganbayan while he is undergoing trial.

The Office of the Ombudsman filed two graft charges against him and his brother Jose Orlando last week for their alleged involvement in questionable leasehold rights grants.

Lozada allegedly approved the grants when he was president and chief executive officer of the Philippine Forest Corp.

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