Six bets vie for Sandiganbayan post

MANILA, Philippines - The Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) has shortlisted six candidates for the vacancy in the Sandiganbayan left by the promotion of Presiding Justice Francisco Villaruz Jr. in October last year.

Assistant Solicitor General Amparo Cabotaje-Tang and Quezon City regional trial court Judge Bernelito Fernandez topped the list after getting the vote of seven of the eight members of the JBC during deliberations last Monday.

Judges Emmanuel Laurea of Malabon RTC, Ma. Belen Liban of Malolos, Bulacan RTC, Ruben Roxas of Manila RTC and Esteban Tecla of

Mandaluyong RTC completed the list with five votes each.

The shortlist, from where President Aquino will pick a new justice of the anti-graft court, was transmitted to the Palace yesterday.

Villaruz was appointed by the President as presiding justice of Sandiganbayan on Oct. 5 last year.

Prior to the voting, JBC members chaired by Chief Justice Renato Corona conducted public interviews of applicants and nominees for the post. 



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