CBCP hails sainthood for Calungsod

MANILA, Philippines - Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) president Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma yesterday said the Catholic Church would be preparing for a national celebration late this year, once Pedro Calungsod becomes a saint.

Archbishop Palma said he was pleased with the Vatican’s announcement that the Filipino lay catechist and martyr would be canonized on Oct. 21.

“It is a blessing for the whole nation. Preparations are underway for a national celebration in November and the Archdiocese of Cebu would make the proper announcements when all is set,” Palma said.

Malolos, Bulacan Bishop Jose Oliveros said that once Calungsod has been proclaimed as a saint, he would be recorded in history as the second Filipino saint after San Lorenzo Ruiz.

He pointed out that both Ruiz and Calungsod are laymen and martyrs. “It shows that our lay persons can respond to the call of holiness. It also shows that they are brave to face even death for the sake of our faith. Pedro Calungsod was also a lay catechist. He was able to share his faith with others.”

Since Calungsod died at 17, Bishop Oliveros believes that he would be a good role model for the youth. “He was also young, an inspiration for the youth of today. Let us ask him to intercede for our country that we remain steadfast in our Catholic faith.”

Lipa, Batangas Archbishop Ramon Arguelles said he was also “very happy” with the news of Calungsod’s canonization.

“A second Filipino canonized saint is a sign of the growing importance of the Church in the Philippines for the universal church. The fact that he, like St. Lorenzo, is a lay person shows the great importance of non-ordained faithful in the Church in Asia,” Arguelles said.

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