Defense says CJ may still testify

MANILA, Philippines - Chief Justice Renato Corona may be presented as a witness in his impeachment trial.

Lawyer Tranquil Salvador III, defense spokesman, said calling Corona to the witness stand is an option that the defense may consider “if we feel that it is necessary.”

The Senate impeachment court has rejected the prosecution’s motion to have Corona’s family subpoenaed in connection with his alleged illegally acquired wealth and his statements of assets, liabilities and net worth (SALN).

Salvador said the Senate’s decision was clear, but it does not mean the defense cannot call Corona as a witness.

“What the Senate prohibits is that the prosecution cannot call him to testify,” he said.

“But we can ask him to testify in his favor, it’s up to him,” he added.

Lawyer Karen Jimeno, also defense spokesperson, said the move to summon Corona as a witness should not be equated to a waiver of his right against self-incrimination.

“It’s not waiving his right if the defense calls him,” she said.

“The right versus self incrimination applies when the prosecution calls for him.

“What we don’t want is for them to file a complaint against the accused only to extract evidence from him, that is what is called a fishing expedition because it turns out they really don’t have evidence.”

Last Tuesday, the impeachment court denied the motion of the prosecution to summon Corona and members of his family to testify.

In the case of Corona’s children, the Rules of Court provide that no person may be compelled to testify against his parents, other direct ascendants, children or other direct ascendants, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile said.

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