Belmonte: Pinoys can hurdle challenges

MANILA, Philippines - Filipinos can rise above difficult challenges – including calamities and economic problems – in 2012 through patience, hard work, charity and cooperation, Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. said in his New Year’s message on behalf of the House of Representatives.

He said 2011 “was a year of trial and tribulations” that “have tried the fortitude of our people.”

“Conflicts, both military and otherwise, and economic challenges here and abroad have become a litmus test not only for our leaders but for our people yearning for a better life,” he said.

He said Filipinos should look forward to this year “filled with gratitude” for those who have unselfishly helped us in the past, with optimism in our ability to surmount the difficulties that lie ahead.

Belmonte earlier said the chamber would prioritize the passage of additional socio-economic and anti-corruption measures when Congress resumes session next week.

The House has already approved on third and final reading 46 national bills since the start of the second regular session of Congress in July.

Belmonte said the House has passed nine Republic Acts in the first half of the second regular session, and ratified two bicameral reports, including the P1.8-trillion General Appropriations Act for 2012.

From July to December, the House had passed on third reading 46 national bills, 205 local bills and two joint resolutions. The chamber also adopted three concurrent resolutions, 76 regular resolutions and 48 reports on resolutions on inquiries.

Belmonte said since the opening of the 15th Congress, the House has acted on 2,328 measures.

Earlier, the House committee on ways and means approved the tax provisions of the proposed “Filipino Volunteerism in Nation-Building (VNB) Act of 2011” that is principally authored by Belmonte.

The bill seeks the institutionalization, a strategic public-private partnership framework in all local government units and congressional districts in the country.

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