CA justice retires

Manila, Philippines - The Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) yesterday announced the retirement of Court of Appeals Associate Justice Portia Alino Hormachuelos.

Hormachuelos chaired the CA’s Second Division, according to the appellate court’s website.

The CA described Hormachuelos as “an ardent advocate of speedy dispensation of justice, and she holds the distinction of maintaining since May 2001, a zero or single-digit pending docket of cases submitted for decision.”

Hormachuelos has written close to 2,000 ponencias since her promotion to the appellate court in August 1995, after serving eight years as regional trial court judge where she was honored with the 1992 Cayetano Arellano Award for Judicial Excellence as Outstanding RTC Judge in the Philippines.

Meanwhile, the JBC said that due to the retirement of Hormachuelos, there will be an opening for the position of CA associate justice.

Applications or recommendations for the position can be submitted to the JBC, 2nd floor, Centennial building, Supreme Court, Padre Faura St., Manila, not later than Aug. 2.

Clerk of Court and JBC ex-officio secretary Enriqueta Vidal, in an advertisement with The STAR, also cited several openings for judges for several regional trial courts, metropolitan trial courts, municipal trial courts, and municipal trial courts in cities nationwide.

The applications or recommendations can also be submitted to the JBC not later than Aug. 22.

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