Customs chief decries smear campaign

MANILA, Philippines - The chief of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) police decried yesterday what he described as a smear campaign against him by smugglers and other criminal syndicates that want him out of their way.

Customs Police chief Jose Brigido Yuchongco cited news reports that some lawmakers were questioning his reinstatement by former Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez when he was previously dismissed on graft charges.

He also vowed to file criminal complaints against those whom he said were waging a demolition job against him in the past several months, including using the names of top administration officials just to have him reassigned or removed from office.

Some lawmakers, in separate radio interviews, said they are seeking an investigation into the so-called “midnight resolutions” of Gutierrez before resigning after being impeached.

“Admittedly, due to my sensitive position and in the course of exercising my investigative functions, I have created enemies. My dismissal was a welcome relief to those who are engaging in illegal and nefarious dealings in the Customs. But with my recent reinstatement, my detractors still moving heaven and earth to lobby to have me reassigned or removed,” Yuchongco said.

He said he has rendered public service for 30 years and has received over 100 commendations from various government and private institutions as well as local and foreign job-related training programs.

Yuchongco said his reinstatement is a matter of right, “and it is but ministerial and a matter of course, if not duty, on the part of the Department of Finance and the BOC” to implement the order for his reinstatement.

“The former ombudsman does not know me and no exchange deal took place, thus the reinstatement is not a midnight deal,” he said.

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