China surveillance ships roam Phl waters

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) sought the explanation of the Chinese embassy on the reported sighting of a China Marine Surveillance (CMS) vessel at the vicinity of Iroquois (Amy Douglas) Bank in the West Philippine Sea.

The DFA expressed its serious concern over the recent activities of China vessels in Philippine waters, especially that the Department of National Defense also spotted China’s People Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) ships in the area.

Citing reports from the DND, the foreign affairs department said the ships were seen offloading building materials for the construction of several structures in the area.

The DFA said China has also placed a buoy near the breaker of the Iroquois Bank, about 26 nautical miles east of Patag Island and 125 nautical miles from mainland Palawan.

Below are the photo releases from the DFA, revealing the presence of Chinese vessels in Iroquois Bank.

The Iroquois Bank is located southwest of Recto (Reed) Bank and east of Patag (Flat) Island and is well within the Philippines’ 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). There are currently no structures on the said bank and the island is unoccupied.

DFA Secretary Albert del Rosario said “any new construction by China in the vicinity of the uninhabited Iroquois Bank is a clear violation of the 2002 ASEAN-China Declaration on the Conduct of Parties (DOC) in the South China Sea.”

The DFA asked the Chinese embassy for the exact planned location of the mega oil rig and pointed that it should not be placed in Philippine territory or its waters.

Chinese Charge d'Affaires Bai Tian was summoned Tuesday for talks over China's recent actions and sought clarification from them.

Chinese Embassy officials did not immediately return calls seeking comment but China has consistently claimed sovereignty over the entire South China Sea.

Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin told reporters Wednesday that the Armed Forces of the Philippines is ready to defend the country but "we're not in the position to confront China that is a rising power in Asia."

In March, the Philippines accused two Chinese patrol boats of harassing a Philippine oil exploration ship near Palawan. Last month, the Philippine air force reported that two unidentified foreign fighter jets had flown near a Spratly island occupied by Filipino troops but China denied sending the aircraft.

Chinese media have reported that Beijing plans to install an advanced oil rig in the South China Sea in July.(With AP)

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