Love indeed conquers all

MALOLOS CITY, Philippines  – For four people in this historic city, physical disability did not stop them from finding the love of their lives.

Reflexologist Danilo Robles was introduced by friends to Leilanie from Barangay Isabel in 2002. They talked on the phone but never met. But even upon meeting, they would not know each other’s faces because they are both blind.

So Danilo held her hand instead, and in the process touched her heart.

“Ours was not love at first sight, it was love at first touch,” he said.

They married eventually and are now looking forward to having a child.

The couple believes they will have a normal child because they were not born blind.

Danilo lost his sight because of German measles, while Leilanie became blind because of a brain tumor.                                     

For Gary de la Cruz, 30, and Abigail Alimbon, 27, love expressed itself in more than words.

They first met at the Philippine School for the Deaf and fell in love.                                          

Abigail lived in Cavite then, but Gary would make the long commute just to see her.

“He (Gary) gets mad if he could not go to Cavite,” said his cousin Alvin Estrella.

Gary’s persistence convinced Abigail that they could build a life together despite their condition.                                           

The couple married three years ago and now live with Gary’s family. They have a healthy and normal child who responds to family members who play with him.                   

Gary makes a living as a tricycle driver, while Abigail is a housewife.

To cope with his disability, he placed a sign on his tricycle that he is deaf mute.

“He manages. The passenger just has to give him a tap and point to the destination,” Estrella said. 

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