Binay still enjoys high satisfaction rating - SWS

MANILA, Philippines - Vice President Jejomar Binay continues to enjoy high satisfaction rating among top government officials aside from President Aquino, a latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey showed.

The SWS survey, conducted from Nov. 27 to 30, found 69 percent of Filipinos satisfied and 12 percent dissatisfied with the performance of Binay for a net satisfaction score of +57.

Binay’s new rating was similar to the +58 recorded in September last year.

“I am very much encouraged by the survey results and at the same time it challenges me to work even more for the people,” Binay said in a statement.

Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, meanwhile, maintained a “good” +34 rating (55 percent satisfied, 21 percent dissatisfied) in November.

Enrile received +39 and +41 net scores in September and June, respectively.

Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. retained his “neutral” rating at +7 (33 percent satisfied, 26 percent dissatisfied), from +9 previously.

Chief Justice Renato Corona, on the other hand, received a “neutral” score of -7 (26 percent satisfied, 33 percent dissatisfied) from September’s -5.

Public satisfaction with the Senate improved by three points to a “very good” +51 (65 percent satisfied, 14 percent dissatisfied) from September’s “good” +48.

The House of Representatives also gained three points for a net +33 (51 percent satisfied, 18 percent dissatisfied).

The Supreme Court also retained a “good”+36 (55 percent satisfied, 19 percent dissatisfied).

SWS said the latest scores for the two chambers of Congress are new record highs.

The Cabinet as a whole obtained a “moderate” +20 (41 percent satisfied, 21 percent dissatisfied), similar to the +22 it scored three months earlier.

Results of the SWS survey were published in the newspaper BusinessWorld yesterday.

The SWS used face-to-face interviews of 1,200 adult respondents.

SWS classifies scores of +50 and above as “very good,” +30 to +49 “good,” +10 to +29 “moderate,” +9 to -9 “neutral,” -10 to -29 “poor,” -30 to -49 “bad,” and -50 or lower “very bad.”

It said error margins of plus or minus three percentage points and plus or minus six percentage points for national and area percentages were used in the survey.

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