Fireworks at Comelec over secrecy folder exposé

MANILA, Philippines - The Commission on Elections (Comelec) yesterday summoned a member of the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) and an employee to its meeting to shed light on their exposé regarding overpriced ballot secrecy folders.

The meeting, however, turned into a shouting match between Comelec Commissioner Nicodemo Ferrer and PPCRV member Arwin Serrano.

Serrano and Melchor Magdamo, who used to be assigned to the office of Comelec Chairman Jose Melo, were invited to the meeting to “identify… the Comelec officials privy to alleged anomalous transactions in the commission.”

The two had earlier revealed that the Comelec was set to buy P700 million worth of ballot secrecy folders for the May 10 polls at a cost of P380 per piece.

The contract was eventually cancelled and the Comelec opted to use ordinary folders.

According to Serrano, although he was hesitant to attend because of the late notice, he decided to go to the meeting only to be confronted and grilled by Ferrer.

“I thought maybe they want to win us over or they want to be clarified. But what happened was that Commissioner Ferrer shouted at me, he was pointing his finger at my face.  He even kicked a chair,” Serrano said in an interview.

He said they were made to explain their allegations on the folders. But when he talked about problems concerning the Comelec’s Bids and Awards Committee and its chairman Maria Lea Alarkon, Ferrer blew his top.

“He branded me a liar. I didn’t expect that from a person of his stature. In the first place, I’m not an employee of the Comelec. I’m not against the automation of the election. I zeroed in on the transactions and bidding processes of the Comelec because I knew something was wrong,” he added.

Magdamo, who described the meeting as a “boxing match,” also expressed frustration over what happened. 

“I never thought that they would do that to us. All we did was save some P700 million in Comelec funds,” he said.

Ferrer admitted raising his voice and pointing his finger at Serrano but denied kicking a chair.

The commissioner said he got irked because Serrano was lying in his allegations against Alarkon.

“He was destroying Lea behind her back so we also summoned her.  He was lying. The problem with them is that they don’t talk to us. All they do is go to the media (to complain),” he added.

Ferrer revealed that the Comelec may file charges against Serrano and Magdamo for “undermining the credibility of the Comelec.”

The Comelec may also file a separate libel case against Magdamo for his “inquiry letter” that tended to malign the poll body.

In the letter dated May 25, Magdamo had questioned the poll officials’ motives in requiring them to explain. 

“To begin with, the en banc has no jurisdiction to absolve itself. Surely, the principle of self-exoneration does not exist in the Philippine Legal System. Only an independent constitutional authority may do so,” the letter said.

Magdamo maintained that the “en banc has jurisdiction in helping the poor low wage earners in Comelec instead of enriching the already-very-rich high ranking plunderers.”

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