Comelec to review conduct of automated polls

MANILA, Philippines - The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is conducting a comprehensive review of the first automated elections in the country, amid allegations of massive poll fraud.

Comelec spokesman James Jimenez said the poll body is set to gather data and then hold a summit to thoroughly evaluate the conduct of the May 10 elections.

“The evaluation will last from two months or more, but initially we will just gather the data, process it and then evaluate it,” he said.

According to Jimenez, after data have been gathered and processed the Comelec will be holding a summit in order to come out with a final report on their findings on the implementation of the automated election project.

He said the Comelec will include in its review the preparation stages up to the end of the automated elections’ implementation.

“All Comelec directors will be attending the summit, including those in the field because they were the ones who have actual evaluation of the project,” Jimenez explained.

He said the Comelec would also include in its review the contract with Smartmatic, to check if the supplier of the precinct count optical scan (PCOS) machines was able to meet the timetable they have agreed on and look into how the subsidiary contracts such as the delivery of ballots and ballot boxes were performed.

“Again the primary criteria is compliance with the contract and effects of non-compliance,” Jimenez said, adding that non-compliance would establish if there were delays in the project’s implementation.

“In fairness, Smartmatic already said they are responsible and it looks like there were contract violations, particularly on the timetable,” Jimenez said.

The Comelec spokesman said the poll body and Smartmatic have agreed that the PCOS machines and other election materials would be in place and ready three days before elections.

“Three days before elections, everything should be ready, but there were places which did not use PCOS machines on election day,” Jimenez pointed out.

He said the Comelec would hopefully complete the evaluation in two to three months or prior to the conduct of the coming barangay elections.

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