Graphic warnings to appear on cigarette packs

MANILA, Philippines - Photographs depicting the ill effects of smoking will soon appear on cigarette packs.

The Department of Health (DOH) will issue next week an administrative order (AO) imposing the requirement on cigarette manufacturers.

In a telephone interview, Health Undersecretary Alex Padilla said graphic warnings are in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO)-initiated Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

“Republic Act 9211 (Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003) has not been amended, but we don’t see any problem with that,” he said.

“This AO will still (hold water) without amending the law.”

Padilla said violators face suspension of operation and even closure of business.

They could also be fined up to P5 million as provided under the Consumer’s Act and other related laws, he added.

The DOH has been pushing for the passage of bills on graphic health warnings on cigarette packs, which have been pending at the Senate and the House of Representatives since June 2008 and December 2007.

At present, only text warnings, like “Government Warning: Cigarette is dangerous to your health,” are printed on cigarette packs.

The need to strengthen the country’s anti-smoking campaign was underscored in “2009 Philippines’ Global Adult Tobacco Survey” initiated by the DOH, WHO and the United States’ Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The study showed that 17.3 million Filipinos 15 years old and above are smoking.

The DOH also wants an absolute ban on smoking in public places, higher taxes on cigarettes, and programs to curb smoking. 

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