Three bishops reject donations from politicians

MANILA, Philippines - The Catholic Church might be soliciting contributions to fund its social projects under the “Alay Kapwa” program, but three bishops yesterday said they would decline offers of financial assistance from politicians.

In an interview over the Church-run Radyo Veritas, Basilan Bishop Martin Jumoad said :“I will not accept any donations for ‘Alay Kapwa’ especially from politicians.”

“It is not right that the Catholic Church would accept money from politicians, especially now that it’s the election period.”

The Alay Kapwa Sunday, set on March 28, is the Catholic Church’s special collection often done during the season of Lent.

The money that would be raised for the special collection would be used to help victims of natural calamities such as earthquakes and floods and purchase medicines for patients in hospitals.

“I challenge them (all politicians), if they are really sincere to be one with the Church for Alay Kapwa then they should go to the victims of calamities, and help those in the hospital and deliver medicines. They could also visit the orphanages and feed them. That is the real Alay Kapwa,” he added.

Bishop Jumoad said that politicians should not use Alay Kapwa to get brownie points from the public.

Baguio Bishop Carlito Cenzon and Marbel Bishop Dinualdo Gutierrrez shared the Basilan prelate’s sentiment.

“If we knew that the money was acquired through evil means, then we should not accept it. That is the principle. If it came from gambling, illegal drugs, or graft and corruption then we would not accept the contributions,” Cenzon said.      — Evelyn Macairan

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