Tawi-Tawi governor, wife survive speedboat blast

ZAMBOANGA CITY – Tawi-Tawi Gov. Sadikul Sahali, his wife, and eight other companions jumped off a burning speedboat and were rescued last Monday morning off Bato-Bato Island, Tawi-Tawi, the Navy reported yesterday.

Navy spokesman Commander Edgard Arevalo said the party of Sahali and his wife, who was not immediately identified, were on board two speedboats and were on their way to the island town of Tandubas when the boat where the governor was riding developed engine trouble at around 9 a.m. off Barangay Banaran.

Sahali was scheduled to attend an inauguration ceremony in Tandubas Island.

Arevalo reported that the damaged speedboat of Sahali’s group, including their police escorts, strayed into shallow waters and hit a coral bed that caused a spark, which apparently ignited a leaking fuel line.

He said the engine caught fire and the governor and his companions were forced to jump off the burning speedboat before the vessel exploded.

“There was a spark that triggered the fire, which engulfed the speedboat before the explosion occurred,” Arevalo said.

He said Sahali’s other companions who were on the backup speedboat rescued the governor and the other survivors who were later brought to Tawi-Tawi’s capital Bongao.

Navy investigators have ruled out foul play and described the sea tragedy as an accident.

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