Wage board working overtime

MANILA, Philippines – The National Wages and Productivity Commission (NWPC) is working overtime to speed up deliberation on wage hike petitions across the country.

Ciriaco Lagunzad III, NWPC executive director said during the weekly Kapihan Sa Sulo Hotel that they are working day and night on wage hike petitions contrary to allegations of some sectors that the wage boards are moving slowly in coming up with a decision on the matter.

Yesterday, national wage boards discussed the declaration of supervening condition in their regions, which means that there is an extraordinary increase in the price of petroleum products and commodities such as rice and flour.

Lagunzad said the National Capital Region wage board would be having its first formal public hearing on May 13, adding that they have met with the labor sector last May 1 and consulted with employers last May 2.  – Perseus Echeminada, Karla Verzonilla

“Given the set hearings and meetings, the NCR wage board would most probably make a decision the day after the public hearing. So theoretically, if there is to be a decision on May 14, it would be published on May 15 and the order would probably be effective by the end of the month,” he said.

Lagunzad assured the public that wage increases would not result to unemployment because the increases are meant for a much-segmented part of the labor force, the minimum wage earners.

“Even if the increase was to run across the board, it will not affect employment according to our studies,” said Lagunzad.

Last Thursday, President Arroyo signed an executive order which provides for a 10 percent salary increase for government employees.

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