Army men rally behind general

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – Some 150 Army recruits came to the rescue of an embattled general who faces corruption charges after some applicants to the Candidate Soldiers’ Course accused the officer of demanding bribes from them.

Some applicants complained last month that Maj. General Jose Barbieto, commanding general of the Philippine Army’s 4th Infantry Division based here, allegedly asked money from recruits to be enlisted into the Army.

Maj. Michael Anayron, 4th ID spokesman, said higher headquarters had ordered an investigation into the allegations and Barbieto was relieved to give way to an impartial investigation.

He did not identify the group of applicants who initiated the complaint against Barbieto.

Army officials here said that the investigations will lead to possible court-martial proceedings.

Some 150 newly enlisted soldiers signed a manifesto stating that Barbieto did not ask money from them in exchange for their enlistment.

“We were accepted into the service without consideration of money but based on qualification, fitness and dedication,” the group led by Private Michel Alataya said in a signed statement.

The new soldiers submitted the joint statement to Maj. Prospero Salas, 4th Infantry division Provost Marshal.

The 150 soldiers are now based in Camp Ostio Bahian, Impalambang, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

Some new recruits (who asked not to be identified) revealed that most of those who failed in the Candidate Soldiers’ Course did not pass the medical and physical fitness tests and other requirements.

Meanwhile, militant activists have asked Army investigators not to whitewash the investigation on Barbieto.

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