Anti-terror exec wants HSA amended

An official of the Anti-Terrorism Task Force (ATTF) proposed yesterday amendments to the controversial anti-terror law or the Human Security Act of 2007 to make it more effective in stopping terrorism.

ATTF spokesman Ricardo Blancaflor admitted that the government is having difficulty in implementing the HSA.

“In the final version, terrorism committed using the Internet was not included despite the fact that 60 to 70 percent of terrorists have been communicating through the Internet,” Blancaflor pointed out, adding the HSA should have a provision regarding cybercrimes because the present anti-terror law covers only regular crimes like murder, arson, etc.

He said the HSA, which is supposed to be anti-terrorist, turned out to be anti-law enforcer due to provisions that virtually tie the hands of law enforcement agencies in the arrest of terrorists.

“We are wondering, the law is supposed to be anti-terrorism but it has 22 provisions against law enforcers, including the P500,000 daily fine to be paid to suspects who were wrongfully arrested,” said Blancaflor.

Blancaflor said the government could not stop the fight against terrorism, which has already claimed the lives of about 344 innocent individuals.

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