Massive revamp of police force underway for 2007 elections

CLARK FIELD, Pampanga – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Oscar Calderon declared a massive revamp of the police force is underway with the creation of "special battalions" and police auxiliary forces to be deployed for the midterm elections next year.

"Considering the complications of the coming elections, we will be carefully selecting our provincial directors. By the end of January, mailalatag na natin lahat ito (all will be put in place)," Calderon said during the two-day national forum on internal security and counter terrorism held here.

Calderon said new police battalions will be deployed nationwide for the coming elections. The battalions will be formed from the police special action forces.

He said the police battalions are tasked to supervise the civilian volunteer organizations or police auxiliary forces.

Calderon explained the proposed creation of auxiliary forces forms part of plans to "strengthen the defense structure of police stations."

"We are addressing this per municipality. The number of police auxiliary will depend on the threat in specific municipalities as well as on the courses of actions needed to be undertaken," Calderon said.

He said the situation is different in every barangay. "In some, two or three auxiliaries will do. There are areas where you have to arm barangay auxiliaries," he added.  

Calderon was among the delegates in the forum which discussed the roles of local government officials and police in security situations.

The national police chief said the forum had agreed to submit a proposal before the President granting amnesty to holders of loose firearms.

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