Ad-com to talk Cha-cha with religious groups

The chairman of the Charter Change Advocacy Commission (ad-com) said yesterday they will give priority to the discussion of efforts to amend the Constitution with the Catholic Church and other religious groups.

"We in the AdCom would be more than delighted to work with the (Catholic) Church and other church groups in order for everyone to give a better understanding and appreciation why we are advocating a unicameral-parliamentary government," said ad-com chairman Lito Monico Lorenzana.

Lorenzana expressed appreciation over the various forums on Charter change held by religious groups in selected cities, especially in Mindanao.

The ad-com will give priority to invitations from the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) and other religious groups to keep the people informed on issues relating to Charter change, he added.

Lorenzana assured the PPCRV and other religious groups that ad-com will ensure that relevant and proper information is provided their meetings.

"We hope to achieve substantial headway in terms of informing all sectors of the benefits of having the Constitution amended now, and why the people’s initiative has become the viable instrument for effecting Charter change," he said.

"Let us seize the day by keeping the information campaign going and the debates burning in this end," he said. — Mike Frialde

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