CBCP head welcomes new papal nuncio

The president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) welcomed yesterday the appointment of the new Vatican ambassador.

Archbishop of Jaro, Iloilo Angel Lagdameo, CBCP president, said Apostolic Nuncio Fernando Filoni, who is scheduled to arrive today, is an "old friend" who has previously served in the country.

"On the part of the CBCP we are welcoming Archbishop Filoni as a brother and a colleague sharing our Episcopal concerns with the heart of the Pope Benedict XVI whom he represents," read Lagdameo’s statement.

"A pastor and diplomat, Archbishop Filoni will reflect and dialogue with the Philippine Bishops on the pastoral and social concerns that today characterize our local Church," it said.

Lagdameo said Filoni is not new to some Filipino bishops since he had served as counselor to two former Apostolic Nuncios to the Philippines, even before he was named Nuncio to Iraq.

"He has already some experiences and understanding of our situation in the country," he said.

"In this sense, we welcome an old friend to our country. We look forward to a fruitful adherence and collaboration with our new Apostolic Nuncio."

The 60-year-old Filoni replaces Archbishop Antonio Franco, who had been transferred to the Apostolic Nunciature in Israel and Cyprus.

He would become the 15th Papal envoy to the country. Evelyn Macairan

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