‘Opposition forces, even if combined, are incapable of ousting GMA’

Although the opposition and critics have joined forces over the years and made several attempts to remove President Arroyo, they still lack the force and capability to oust her from office, National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales declared yesterday.

"From what we have seen in the past few months, since they have started their fight against the government, all of the opposition forces –even the communists and those engaged in military adventurism –cannot do anything, they are unable to topple the Arroyo government and I think they should stop now," Gonzales told the Philippine Democratic Socialist Party (PDSP) during its 33rd anniversary celebration at the Del Pan Sports Complex in Tondo, Manila.

Gonzales noted critics, the opposition and militant groups joined together in demanding Mrs. Arroyo to step down on allegations of corruption and cheating in the May 10, 2004 elections.

He claimed advising the President against stepping down and giving up the fight. If and when she decides to give up, she should turn over the presidency to someone responsible and capable of managing the affairs of government.

According to Gonzales, Mrs. Arroyo had looked for possible contenders but so far, no one among the present crop of political leaders has qualified.

If there was a worthy replacement for the presidency, Mrs. Arroyo would have given up because "hindi naman tayo suwapang (we are not greedy)," he said.

Gonzales also belittled "Oplan Manggagawa," the supposed plot jointly hatched by leftist elements and rightist groups to mobilize 500,000 rallyists to trigger the ouster of the President through another people power revolt.

He said the plot would not prosper and the government has no plans of having it investigated since it does not have the support of the different sectors of the society.

"Tinitingnan natin noong mga nakaraang araw kung puwede o hindi, eh hindi talaga puwede
(We were monitoring the plan, and it turned out that it wasn’t feasible)," Gonzales said.

Instead of enjoying a long weekend, Cabinet members were tasked to monitor yesterday’s developments from Malacañang. The meeting however focused on the bigger problems of the country, he said.

"Never mind the opposition, they are troublemakers and they could not even get popular support to take over the government," Gonzales said in Filipino.

"Anytime, they (the opposition and critics) can develop the capability and can form a program of action for the country then they should just face us in the upcoming elections and let the people decide. They should no longer resort to daily disruptions," he said.

Gonzales claimed a majority of the leaders of the groups that participated in yesterday’s Labor Day rallies, including the opposition, have track records of spearheading mass actions.

It was depressing to note that yesterday’s Labor Day celebration was marred by rallies of various political agendas, he said.

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