Palace fast-tracks review of EO rationalizing energy programs

Malacañang is fast-tracking the review of Executive Order No. 474 to create the Philippine Strategic, Oil, Gas, Energy Resources and Power Infrastructure Office (PSOGERPIO) following calls from various sectors and non-government organizations for its full implementation.

Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said the EO with possible changes would come out soon.

"There is a growing clamor from various sectors of society for the implementation of the EO 474 so we expect to come out with appropriate recommendations on the matter at the soonest possible time," he said.

Calls to create the PSOGERPIO mounted after the government hiked the value-added tax (VAT) to 12 percent this month, causing prices of fuel and other petroleum products to increase anew.

President Arroyo signed EO 474 late last year to rationalize and speed up the energy programs of the Department of Energy, but its implementation was suspended after Energy Secretary Raphael Lotilla opposed it on grounds that it might duplicate the functions and duties of his department.

Lotilla reportedly argued that the PSOGERPIO would perform functions identical to that of the Department of Energy.

EO 474 was crafted to stimulate activities in the energy sector with the end view of harnessing government assets for energy-related projects and purposes.

However, transport organizations and other cause-oriented groups are pushing for full implementation of EO 474, saying the PSOGERPIO would greatly help in resolving the country’s energy and oil problems.

Lawyer Mike Domingo, convener of the People for Empowerment and Truth, said Lotilla could have done more than simply having himself photographed visiting gasoline stations in Metro Manila, supposedly to protect motorists from overpricing. — Paolo Romero

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