Martial rule threat remains, says bishop

The threat of martial rule stands as long as the Arroyo administration keeps some policies that are seen to be "oppressive," a Roman Catholic bishop said yesterday.

Citing recent events such as the violent dispersal of rallyists and killings of activist group leaders, Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz said "Philippine history seems to be repeating itself."

Despite President Arroyo’s earlier assurance that she would never declare martial law, Cruz maintains his belief that the government "is becoming the master of the people and seems to be toying with the idea of violating even people’s faith."

"Protest marches stopped by threats and force. Rallies dispersed, notwithstanding pleading and promises. Peasant leaders are gunned down. Those who have the truth had to leave public service and are penalized. These events already took place... during the martial rule regime" of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, Cruz said in a statement.

He said clear indications that the country is leading towards another period of martial rule are "prayer rallies, public procession, church grounds as gathering places of protesters, Malacañang becoming a garrison, and human rights (being) violated."

Cruz believes that the Arroyo administration is reminiscent of the Marcos regime that "was preoccupied with protecting itself and looked at the citizens as enemies."

But he remains hopeful that Filipinos would know exactly what to do should Mrs. Arroyo break her word and declare martial law.

"The people will ultimately free themselves of such an erroneous yoke. It already happened before. Why not again?" Cruz asked.

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