Pinoy views on Islam now more favorable

Despite the persistent threat of Islamist terrorism, Filipinos’ opinions about Islam and Muslims grew more favorable during the past months, according to an independent nationwide opinion poll.

The Aug. 26-Sept. 5 survey, conducted by respected pollster Social Weather Stations (SWS), showed that the number of Filipinos who have a favorable view of Islam and Muslims grew to 63 percent from 52 percent a year ago.

The survey also saw an increase in the opinion that Islam is a "religion of peace and not of violence," from 44 percent in November last year to 67 percent of 1,200 Filipinos polled.

"The increase is evident in all areas and economic classes," SWS said in a statement.

Forty-four percent agreed that "Muslims are as trustworthy as any other Filipino," while 26 percent disagreed.

The poll has an error margin of three percent.

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