RP seeks more US aid for war on terror

WASHINGTON — Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo has called for increased US assistance in Manila’s war against terror, saying "by striking together against terrorists in the region we bolster both the security of the Philippines and of the American heartland."

In a speech on Wednesday at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think tank, Romulo defended the pullout last year of Philippine forces from Iraq earlier than scheduled to save the life of kidnapped Filipino truck driver Angelo de la Cruz.

"This action, in promotion of our national interest, protected our unity and democracy, thereby making the Philippines a stronger ally of the United States in the war against terrorism," he said.

Romulo said US assistance, training and support have strengthened the ability of the Philippines as a frontline ally to fight terrorists.

"The Philippines has already done much with the assistance of the United States. It can do more if it has more support," he said. "Assistance levels must remain robust. Now is not the time to ease pressure on the terrorists."

Romulo met with US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Tuesday and discussed counter-terrorism capacity-building cooperation between the Philippines and the US. With Pia Lee-Brago

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