Iraqi clerics helping secure Angelo’s release

Iraqi ulamas (Islamic legal scholars) are reportedly helping negotiate with Iraqi rebels holding Filipino truck driver Angelo de la Cruz captive.

Archbishop of Davao Fernando Capalla, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, said he learned from National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales that Vice Gov. Mahid Mutilan of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao has been in touch with Iraqi ulamas.

"So as a result of this appeal, according to Gonzales, 32 Muslim ulamas in Iraq decided to help, and by this time the ulama is going to get Angelo from the hands of his captors, so that is from the Secretary (Gonzales)," he said.

Capalla said Mutilan, who is also a convenor of the Bishop-Ulama Conference, is the only Filipino who has a doctorate in Islamic philosophy.

"And his (Mutilan) reason is this, in the Philippines, especially in Mindanao, the Christians and Muslims have been in dialogue for many years and agreed for peace in Mindanao," he said.

"If you kill this man (De la Cruz) now you are destroying our efforts for peace in the Philippines, and that will not be a correct interpretation of Islam.

"If the information of Secretary Gonzales is correct, he (Mutilan) has touched the right chord in the hearts of Muslim ulamas in Iraq."

Mutilan was said to have traveled to Clark Field recently, where he met with the De la Cruz family. Iraqi rebels have warned that De la Cruz would be beheaded if Filipino troops are not pulled out from Iraq. — Jose Aravilla

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