Security beefed up for Drilon, JDV

The Philippine National Police (PNP) has beefed up security for Senate President Franklin Drilon and Speaker Jose de Venecia Jr. following reports that they are being targeted by leftist hit men.

"Even in the absence of any information, we always presume that, because of their personality and specific involvement in the canvassing of votes... they will be at risk. It comes with the personality and the position," PNP Director General Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. said.

Ebdane said the PNP has not yet seen any reports coming from its Directorate for Intelligence about any credible and specific threats against Drilon and De Venecia.

PNP intelligence chief Director Robert Delfin said the PNP has not received any fresh reports regarding any threats to the two top leaders of Congress.

Delfin said the threat to Drilon’s life goes as far back as two years ago, arising from controversies in Drilon’s home province of Iloilo. He did not elaborate on these threats, however.

"So far, we have not received (fresh) threats against their lives," he said.

Besides Drilon and De Venecia, Maguindanao Rep. Didagen Dilangalen is also a target for assassination, the PNP said. Dilangalen earned prominence recently due to the "shut up" incident during the joint session of Congress when it convened into the National Board of Canvassers to count the votes for president and vice president.

Ebdane said the PNP is mandated to provide security for top government officials even if no specific threats are leveled at them.

"They have their security and they have not increased the number of personnel, but in some other ways we have enhanced their security coverage," he said.

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