Guingona: Next president needs plenty of political will

Vice President Teofisto Guingona Jr. said yesterday the country’s next president must have the "political will" to implement the reforms needed to solve the country’s problems.

Speaking to reporters during a forum on governance, Guingona said "sincerity and political will" are the key traits that the winner in the May 10 presidential elections must possess.

The forum, "Society, Economy and Development: Towards a Social Market Framework for Philippine Development," was sponsored by the De La Salle University—Angelo King Institute of Economics and Business Studies (DLSU-AKI) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and was held at the DLSU—AKI’s International Conference Center in Malate, Manila.

In his keynote speech, Guingona said "the demand from the political leadership is not only to rebuild the economy but also to stem the cauldron of corruption that even now erodes the soul of the Filipino."

"Our vision is to see this nation move forward, to see the Filipino snap out from a creeping sense of doubt and despair, to see him take up the challenge of degrading poverty and unemployment, and to infuse into himself the spirit of sacrifice and self-reliance," Guingona said.

Guingona challenged all presidential candidates to bare their stand on such issues as the national patrimony, corruption, crime, economic recovery, and political dynasties.

He said that all candidates must be ready with a program on how to "rebuild a nation seemingly lost in the wake of globalization."

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