Reject ‘Japanese’ airline’s operating permit, solon urges

A Visayas congressman urged President Arroyo yesterday to reject the application of a "Japanese airline" for the extension of its temporary operating permit which expires today.

Southern Leyte Rep. Aniceto Saludo said CLA Air Transport Inc. has misrepresented itself as a Filipino airline when it is in fact a cargo transport firm controlled by Japanese nationals.

He said because of its alleged misrepresentation, the airlines is now flying the Philippine flag "at the expense of struggling Filipino airlines."

It has deprived Philippine Airlines, the country’s flag carrier, of its cargo slots at the Narita Airport in Tokyo, he said.

Saludo claimed that CLA Air Transport had declared under oath that it was 60 percent owned by Filipinos.

Subsequently, it was discovered that it was 51 percent owned by Filipinos and 49 percent by Japanese nationals, an ownership structure that violated the Constitution, which requires that airline companies should be at least 60 percent owned by Filipino citizens, he said.

He pointed out that in its incorporation documents, CLA Air Transport’s board of directors was to be composed of four Japanese and four Filipinos, plus one Filipino to be nominated by Japanese board members.

"This gave the Japanese complete control of the board than the company. In effect, the Filipinos are mere dummies of the Japanese owners," Saludo claimed.

He said it was on the basis of its representation of being a Filipino airline that the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) gave CLA Air an operation permit as a cargo transport firm.

Saludo said Malacañang approved the permit upon the recommendation of former Transportation and Communications Secretary Pantaleon Alvarez, Air Transportation Office chief Adelberto Yap and CAB member Alberto Lim.

He said the three officials "had betrayed the national interest and should be prosecuted."

Saludo said Mrs. Arroyo should not be misled again into allowing CLA Air to operate after its permit expires today.

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