Berroya, Aglipay back in harness at PNP

Two police generals initially relieved for their failure to curb the spread of the illegal numbers game jueteng will soon be back to work.

Deputy Director General Edgardo Aglipay, who used to be Metro Manila’s top policeman, and Chief Superintendent Reynaldo Berroya, who used to head the Central Luzon police force, are expected to be named head of the Philippine National Police directorate for operations and the PNP’s Civil Security Group, respectively.

Director Virtus Gil, chief of the PNP’s directorate for personnel, confirmed Aglipay’s and Berroya’s upcoming appointments but he did not elaborate.

Gil himself is slated to be named chief of the PNP’s directorial staff when the present man handling the post – Deputy Director Rex Piad – retires within the month.

Aglipay will be replacing Deputy Director General Edgar Galvante, his classmate at the Philippine Military Academy, who is also retiring this month.

Aglipay and Berroya were both ordered relieved several months ago by Interior Secretary Joey Lina for their alleged failure to address the problem of jueteng in their respective areas.

Both questioned their ouster, claiming they were not given the chance to explain their side.

Aside from Aglipay and Berroya, Lina has also relieved Directors Avelino Razon and Domingo Reyes, Chief Superintendents Reynaldo Berroya and Nicolas Pasinos Jr., and Senior Superintendents Leonilo de la Cruz and Jose Antonio Salvacion of their posts due to their alleged failure to stop jueteng in their areas. Jaime Laude

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