Opposition eyes takeover at Senate

Opposition Sen. Blas Ople said yesterday that his political crystal ball showed a "mild possibility" of realignments in the Senate that could lead to an opposition takeover of the chamber’s leadership.

"The option to reorganize is always there when only two votes separate the minority from the majority," he said, while adding that the possibility of a leadership change is "mild."

Reacting to reports that the majority would be wooing at least two opposition senators in the coming months, Ople predicted that such efforts would be fruitless.

"Our solidarity is stronger than that of the majority," he said.

At the same time, he cited the Senate opposition for having discharged fully and responsibly their functions.

"The Senate minority is in the forefront of fiscalization to check abuses, even as it extends its hand of support to proposals that would lighten the burden of our people," Ople said.

He pointed out that his colleagues in the minority supported his initiative to convene the recently held Economic Summit.

"This policy will continue even as we expand our political base in the countryside," Ople said.

He revealed that his party, the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino will start massive party-building exercises immediately after the Christmas holidays.

He added that the Nationalist People’s Coalition and the Puwersa ng Masang Pilipino have also received marching orders to rebuild and strengthen their local level organizations.

"In the case of Lakas, the administration party, they have never ceased organizing since the last elections," Ople said.

He clarified, however, that party building is not the same as politicking but is an essential part of the democracy-building process.

"We need strong, principled and responsible political parties instead of irresponsible banks of oppositionist politicians who are merely waiting to join the winning bandwagon on election day," Ople said. Efren Danao

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