Samar-Leyte solons decry ‘second-class’ treatment

"The government is treating us like second-class citizens!"

Congressmen from the Samar-Leyte provinces collectively aired this complaint yesterday after discovering huge disparities in the proposed appropriations of health funds for the regions next year.

Their lament is contained in a letter sent to Rep. Rolando Andaya Jr., chairman of the House appropriations committee, whom they asked to help "rectify the situation."

Former broadcaster Ted Failon, who is representing the first district of Leyte, said while Central Visayas (Cebu-Bohol) will get P418 million in funds for health operations in 2002, his region (Eastern Visayas) will be allotted P163.5 million only.

He said Western Visayas (Iloilo-Negros) will get P352 million, while Western Mindanao will be appropriated P273.3 million.

For health development centers, Samar-Leyte will receive a measly P500,000, while Western Visayas will be allocated P7.5 million.

"We cannot understand why the national government is treating us as second-class citizens despite the fact that our region is one of the poorest in the country," Failon said.

He said the disparity in the allocation of health funds among the regions "is very glaring."

"Where would P500,000 for health centers and P163.5 million for health operations take us?" he asked.

He added that many communities in Samar-Leyte do not have health centers or even a health officer.

Failon and his colleagues pleaded with Andaya for equitable appropriation of funds in the version of the 2002 national budget the appropriations committee is now finalizing.

"Our people deserve no less," said the former broadcaster.

The Andaya panel is scheduled to endorse its version of the budget Tuesday next week.

Speaker Jose de Venecia Jr. has said the House will try to approve the appropriations measure before Congress goes on its second adjournment on Oct. 26. – Jess Diaz

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