Misuari benefited from Bin Laden, Sulu sultan says

DAVAO CITY — Gov. Nur Misuari of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) might have "benefited from the philanthropy" of suspected terrorist leader Osama bin Laden when he was still chairman of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), the sultan of Sulu said yesterday.

But Sultan Ismael Kiram II told The STAR in a telephone interview he does not know how exactly Misuari received assistance, only that the former rebel "benefited from Bin Laden" before the government signed a peace agreement with the MNLF in 1996.

"Misuari could have benefited from Bin Laden," he said. "The philanthropist had several organizations which I am sure also got in touch with Misuari."

Speaking at the graduation ceremonies of the "Sulu Royal Army" in Zamboanga City yesterday, Sultan Ismael said Misuari had "received something" (from Bin Laden).

Bin Laden was reported to have channeled funds to Islamic non-government organizations through his Mindanao-based brother-in-law, Mohammad Jamal Khalifa, who was said to have headed at least five relief and assistance organizations.

Sultan Ismael said Misuari had already fled to the Middle East with his two wives and no longer intends to return home as he had "lost credibility" among Islamic leaders abroad.

"(Misuari) does not have credibility anymore," he said. "In what capacity is he meeting all those leaders now? No one listens to Misuari anymore."

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