French leader backs US strike

French President Jacques Chirac pledged his country would "stand shoulder to shoulder with the Americans" in a looming strike against international terrorism.

In an interview with Cable News Network, Chirac said France stands by the resolve of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to treat an attack on one member-nation as an attack on all member-nations.

"France, I’d like to repeat, will be totally supportive. Of course, we’ll have to examine the situation. We’ll have to seek out those responsible... And when it comes to punishment for this murderous folly, yes, France will be at the United States’ side," Chirac said.

The French president stressed the need to fight international terrorism.

"I have no doubt for a single moment that terrorism, which is always fanatical, mindless and mad, represents the evil in today’s world. And so we must combat it with the greatest energy," he said.

Chirac likewise dismissed notions that the possible hostilities between the US and the supporters of Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden is a "clash of civilizations."

"I won’t talk about a clash of civilizations because that would mean that a type of civilization could adopt terrorism as a normal and natural means of expression, as part of its culture. I obviously don’t want to envisage anyone, any human being within a civilization being able to adopt such a stance," he stressed.

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