Estrada welcomes newest grandson

It was with much rejoicing that President Estrada welcomed news Monday afternoon of the birth of a new grandson, born by Caesarian section to his daughter Jacqueline at the Cardinal Santos Medical Center in San Juan.

Her husband, Manuel "Beaver" Lopez Jr., said the six-pound baby boy will be named Manuel Jose Ejercito Lopez III.

"I would say I now have an honest-to-goodness grandson. Sigurado ako talagang lolo (I am sure I am a grandfather)," the President said yesterday.

But the President, however, was quick to explain his remark. "As some people say, it is different if you have a grandchild from your daughter," he pointed out.

The President has three grandchildren with his son San Juan Mayor Jinggoy Ejercito and wife Precy and a grandson from son Joseph Victor and his girlfriend, model Patty Betita.

"There is a saying that if your grandchild is the offspring of your daughter, you can be sure it is really your grandchild," he added.

He said his first reaction upon hearing of the birth of Jackie's baby was to ask, "Is the baby healthy?"

Mr. Estrada said he was very happy to learn that mother and baby were both in good health.

It was the first piece of good news the President had all week, a week batterred by unfavorable press, a hijacking, a stalemate in talks to release hostages in Mindanao and the devaluation of the peso.

Mr. Estrada said he was honored that his newly born grandson would have "Jose" -- the President's real name -- as his second name.

Beaver told The STAR yesterday his wife was still trying to learn how to breastfeed her newborn, who was already being roomed in with her at the hospital.

He said obstetrician Dr. Amelia Poblete had assured him that his wife was recovering well from her delivery.

The President said that although he enjoyed being a grandfather, his greater role was as "father to the nation." --

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