Imago, Ebe Dancel release comeback single 'Magbabalik'

Filipino band Imago
Universal Records Philippines / Released

MANILA, Philippines — Two of the Philippines' most recognizable musicians have come together to release a comeback single before the year ends. Imago and Ebe Dancel released "Magbabalik." 

The single also features Imago's new vocalist, the former solo artist Kurei. 

Written by Imago bassist Myrene Academia, "Magbabalik" explores the theme of loss and redemption.

"When we made the demo for 'Magbabalik,' we thought it would be great to come and have Ebe sing with Kurei on it. The song is about losing things. Sometimes you just have to wait, and it comes back. Or, when you lose something, that’s just making space for something better," Myrene said. 

The band is thankful to the former Sugarfree frontman for collaborating with them on their new single. They are happy to have Ebe, whom they consider "one of the best singers around." Imago said that Ebe brought another layer of emotion to "Magbabalik." 

Imago worked with Tim Marquez and Kwarto Studios for the production of the song. — Video from Universal Records Philippines YouTube channel

LISTEN: Imago, Ebe Dancel collaborate on new single 'Magbabalik'

RELATED: Non-fan shares how she became new Imago vocalist

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