WATCH: Keanu Reeves in thriller film 'Knock Knock'

Keanu Reeves faces the greatest nightmare in his life after two women came knocking on his door.

MANILA, Philippines — Keanu Reeves stars in his latest sexy thrilling starrer in “Knock Knock” as a blissfully married man with two children who was lured by two very attractive women (played by Lorenza Izzo and Ana de Armas) when they came knocking at his door when he was left alone at home.

Directed and written by Eli Roth, “Knock Knock” is an erotic thriller that toys on the idea of trouble coming into one’s own home and unleashes Pandora’s box.

“With Knock Knock, I wanted to show just how fragile the world we spend a lifetime building actually is," said Roth. "What if you did everything right and still, you have the sinking feeling you’re missing out on something. What if you wanted to tempt fate just for one night thinking you could get away with it?"

"I wanted the audience to sympathize with Evan, our main character, and to secretly make the same choices he would make," he added. "Evan tries to do the right thing, and yet, he can’t ever truly say no to these girls who show up at his door and seduce him. Evan constantly thinks he’s in control, and that’s his fatal flaw."

Roth also wanted the older generation to see "the damage one can cause with social media, because they’ve never had to think defensively in that way. Teenagers today have grown up with the threat of someone ruining your life over a picture or a text message, so as a result they know how to destroy someone."

Described by Eli Roth as ‘Fatal Attraction’ in the age of social media, “Knock Knock” opens this October 14 in theatres nationwide from OCtoArts Films International.

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