Lino Brocka’s ‘Bona’ to be screened at Cannes 2024

The masterpiece of National Artist for Film Lino Brocka, ‘Bona,’ will be screened at the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival on May 14 to 25.
Photo from FDCP

MANILA, Philippines — The masterpiece of National Artist for Film Lino Brocka, “Bona,” will be screened at the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival happening on May 14 to 25.

The 1980 film will be shown under the Cannes Classic, alongside Steven Spielberg’s “The Sugarland Express” (1974), Jean-Pierre Melville’s “Army of Shadows” (1969), Dalton Trumbo’s  “Johnny Got His Gun” (1971), among others.

“Bona” stars National Artist for Film and Broadcast Arts Nora Aunor and Phillip Salvador. According to description, the story revolves around a young, middle-class girl from the Philippines, Bona, who drops out of high school to follow Gardo, a minor actor in low-budget films. This decision angers her father, who kicks her out. Hoping for romance, Bona moves in with Gardo, but is treated like a maid, forced to endure his flings.

“Bona” is presented by Carlotta Films and Kani Releasing.

The Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP), as well, has recently named other films, producers and personalities that will partake in the film festival this year.

In competition in the Critics’ Week category (Semaine de la Critique) is “Radikals” by Arvin Belarmino.

The following films will also be included under the Directors’ Fortnight (Quinzaine des cinéastes) section: “Cold Cut,“ directed by Don Josephus Raphael Eblahan (Philippines) and Tan Siyou (Singapore); “Nightbirds” by Maria Estela Paiso (Philippines) and Ashok Vish (India); “Silig” by Belarmino and Lomorpich Rithy (a.k.a. YoKi) (Cambodia); and “Walay Balay” by Eve Baswel (Philippines) and Gogularaajan Rajendran (Malaysia).

National Artist for Film and Broadcast Arts Ricky Lee’s ‘Sepa’ is included in Spotlight Asia (Elevating Asian IPs and Adaptation of Projects) event, with Paolo Villaluna (center) as presenter. Strange Natives author Paolo Herras (right) will join them.

“Daughters of the Sea” by Martika Escobar and producer Monster Jimenez will take part in the 16th edition of La Fabrique Cinema (Film Project).

The FDCP will join the Marché du Film, one of the world’s most prestigious film markets held alongside Cannes Film Festival, together with local production companies and participants of the market programs.

The national film agency will also be mounting a film pavilion (Pavilion No. 113, Village International Riviera), in partnership with Singapore, and host a networking reception with the Singapore Film Commission, where participants can interact and discuss possible collaborations with their global counterparts.

The two countries’ networking reception is set on May 18 with the theme “Blooming Together.”

Film Philippines Office executive director Joierie Pacumio said at an earlier presscon that the booth will serve as a platform to promote their programs and showcase the Philippines as a film location and local talents.

“We promote the Philippines as a location to entice foreign projects to come over and shoot in the Philippines and the incentives that we provide both for local and foreign projects,” she added.

The Philippines delegation at the Marché du Film Producers Network is composed of Perci Intalan of The IdeaFirst Company, Catsi Catalan of WAF Studios, and Chuck Gutierrez of Voyage Film Studios.
Photos from FDCP

Another activity alongside the booth is the Producer’s Network where workshops, pitching and other related events will be held.

“It’s the festival’s way of providing an avenue for different filmmakers around the world to find a point of collaboration (and) exchange ideas,” explained Pacumio.

The Philippine delegation at the Marché du Film Producers Network, which will take place from May 15 to 21, is composed of Perci Intalan of The IdeaFirst Company, Catsi Catalan of WAF Studios, and Chuck Gutierrez of Voyage Film Studios.

National Artist for Film and Broadcast Arts Ricky Lee’s “Sepa” will be included in the Spotlight Asia (Elevating Asian IPs and Adaptation of Projects) event, which will happen from May 18 to 19, with Paolo Villaluna as presenter. Strange Natives author and presenter Paolo Herras will also join them.

Participating production companies with films for distribution and projects in development, such as, ANIMA, Black Cap Pictures, The IdeaFirst Company, Nathan Studios Inc., Quantum Films, Rein Entertainment, and others will also be part of the Philippine delegation.

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