Philippines tops list of countries spending time on PornHub in 2021

"There are over 85 studies that link poor mental and emotional health to porn use. hese effects range from brain fog and social anxiety through to depression, negative body image and flashbacks."
Franco Alva via Unsplash

MANILA, Philippines — Adult entertainment site Pornhub announced that the Philippines led countries with the most time spent watching porn in a single visit in 2021.

According to the website's 2021 Year in Review report, Filipinos spent 11 minutes and 31 seconds on average topping the list followed by Japan (10 minutes and 3 seconds), France (10 minutes and 2 seconds), the Netherlands (9 minutes and 59 seconds) and Ukraine (9 minutes and 53 seconds).

“This year, the Philippines tops the list of the longest lasting countries at 11 minutes 31 seconds. Japan is the only Top 20 country with an increase in viewing time (+12 sec) making it the second longest lasting country at 10 minutes 3 seconds,” Pornhub said.

The country, meanwhile, placed ninth place in terms of traffic to the post site with USA topping the list followed by United Kingdom, Japan, France, Italy, Mexico, Canada and Germany.

Pornhub also stated that the most searched keyword in the country remained "pinay" followed by "hentai," "japanese," "pinoy," "korean," "asian," japanese uncensored," "japanese wife," "anime," and "lesbian."

“The most searched term in the Philippines continues to be ‘pinay’, while several other terms appeared in the top 10 for the first time including ‘korean’ (+9), ‘asian’ (+23) and ‘anime’ (+12),” Pornhub said.

“2021’s trending searches include a +460% increase for ‘threesome pinay’, +345% for ‘hentai anime’ and +316% for ‘Rule 34’. Compared to the rest (of) the world, visitors from the Philippines are +286% more likely to view the Hentai category, +134% more into Romantic videos and +111% more into Cartoon,” it added.

There were more females at 52% of them, compared to males at 48% spending time on the adult site.

According to a study by the Reward Foundation, consuming internet pornography can change the brain and alter the human body. It can lead people to develop problematic sexual behaviors including addiction.

“So far, there are over 85 studies that link poor mental and emotional health to porn use. These effects range from brain fog and social anxiety through to depression, negative body image and flashbacks. Eating disorders, on the rise in young people, cause more deaths than any other mental illness. Porn has a big impact on idealized notions of body image,” Reward Foundation said. 

“Even three hours of porn use a week can cause a noticeable reduction in grey matter in key areas of the brain. When brain connections are involved, it means they impact behavior and mood. Regular bingeing on hardcore internet porn can cause some users to develop mental health problems, compulsive use, even addiction. These interfere significantly with everyday life and life goals. Users often talk about feeling ‘numb’ towards everyday pleasures,” it added. 

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