Iya: Motherhood changed how I saw my own mother

Iya Villania loves waking up next to husband Drew and kids Primo and Leon. It means she has been given another day to live and love. ‘And what could be better than waking up next to those who mean the world to me?’

Iya Villania is embracing life gloriously. She is blessed with a wonderful family and an enviable career. She has been in the entertainment industry for quite a while now. Over the years, the public has seen her evolve into a mature and confident woman that she is today.

Iya talks about her relationship with husband Drew Arellano. “The best thing about being married to Drew is that he’s affectionate and silly. He always assures me that everything will be okay. I also love that I’m married to someone whose job is to travel! I think everything he learns on his trips is invaluable and it’s great that he can share it with me and the kids.”

For Iya, the most memorable trip she has taken with Drew was their honeymoon in California, where they did nothing but hike. Iya reveals that, unknown to many, Drew can actually dance. Wow!

She loves waking up next to Drew and her kids Primo and Leon. “It means I’ve been given another day to live and love. And what could be better than waking up next to those who mean the world to me?”

The Arellanos make a happy family as seen from their online posts brimming with fun and love. They are social media stars with large digital followings.

Motherhood is an exciting and fulfilling adventure for Iya that has taught her valuable life lessons. How did motherhood change her?

“It changed how I saw my own mother. The respect I have for her multiplied as I became familiar with the kind of sacrifices I go through for my children. I never really thought much of all that my mother did for me until I became a mother myself,” she shares.

Her favorite parts of being a mom are seeing her kids happy and experiencing their love. However, it is horrible for her to watch them go through sickness or pain and not being able to do much as a parent. Iya aspires to be the best person for her kids and to be around them for as long as she can.

Their family is now looking forward to Baby No. 3.

Iya enthuses, “I pretty much already have everything I need because I’ll just be reusing everything. It’s really just a matter of trying to stay fit, controlling my weight gain and doing what I can. I’m hoping these will help me recover faster so I can be up and about for my family as soon as I can.”

Iya wants her kids to grow up as God-fearing, loving and respectful individuals.

Iya wears different hats as a daughter, a wife and a mother. According to her, she is a mother first right now because the love and attention her children need from her cannot be replaced by anyone else and her absence will be difficult for children their age to understand and accept. She is sure that Drew and her mother would understand.

Iya manages her time being a wife, a mother and a celebrity. She is regularly seen on GMA 7 television shows Mars Pa More and 24 Oras’ Chika Minute segment.

“It’s actually very doable with the kind of work schedule that I have. As a husband, Drew isn’t very demanding. So when he has special requests and needs me, then I’m there. Most of my time is spent on being a mother because with children ages three and one, they really look for my attention. I also feel that this time is very crucial in child rearing and instilling values.”

She explains that it is nice being a working mom because work time allows her to do something for herself. She is grateful to have a kind of work that allows her to still have time with her family.

As a TV presenter, Iya shares, “I’ve evolved with really getting comfortable with who I am and what kind of personality I am when on stage or in front of the camera. I think gaining more familiarity with the language has also helped a lot. I can communicate better even if at times I still get bulol. I absolutely love what I do and feel so blessed to be where I am and to have what I have.”

Iya admits she gets starstruck with Judy Ann Santos. “She may be a friend but my respect for her as an artist and as a person makes me look up to her in awe of everything she can do as an actress, chef, wife, mother and as a selfless person.”

Iya works hard but she also knows the importance of having “me” time. For her, it is time at the gym, time in the car on her phone heading to work and having a good massage. She spoils herself buying athletic wear and shoes as well as desserts.

“I’m pretty much the same Iya whether people are watching me or not. I don’t have anything to hide. I’m as casual, crazy and free spirited off-cam as I am on-cam.”

In fact, it doesn’t take much for her to wind down before getting sleep. All she needs is to take her make-up off, put her pajamas on and she’s good. The faster she can get to bed to sleep, the better.

Meanwhile, Iya talks about the COVID-19 crisis. “I’ve learned that sometimes there are things in life that you absolutely have no control over so always be quick to adjust. Appreciate what you have, the time you have and even the life you have. Many lives were taken during this period. People lost loved ones. Cherish your family and friends because you don’t know how long you have them. Respect others, think about others and don’t be selfish. I feel that Mother Earth is trying to tell us something. We need to take care of her!”

How does she pray? “I normally pray quietly but because I’m trying to get Primo familiar with praying, I’ve been praying out loud. I pray mainly thanking God for the day that was and for what we have. The only things I ask for are good health and protection for my family and loved ones and for guidance so I would do what pleases Him.”

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