Growing up together

Daiana Menezes and mom Adriene

MANILA, Philippines — “Brazilipina” TV host, singer and actress Daiana Menezes found a sister and best friend in her mother. Only 20 years apart, D feels her mom is her barkada, enjoying their time together bonding over food, wine, working out and travel. 

“Mama had me when she was 20 so we sort of grew up together, to be the woman we are today,” says the international endorser, painter, pianist, performer and designer.

Adriene, Daiana’s mom, says that the only thing that has changed is that now, Daiana is capable of living on her own, but she adds, “She will be forever my baby girl.”

Daiana describes her mom as “super makulit,” full of life and a young spirit. D could not recall her mom being a disciplinarian. Growing up, D only remembers her mom always working hard.

Adriene admits she was not really ready to be a mother when she had Daiana, and her only preparation was eating a lot of fruits like mango and avocado. Motherhood has allowed her “to find the real love of my life,” but also made her feel the fear of not being able to raise her children. However, Adriene will not change anything in her parenting.

“Daiana is the love of my love, I tried to give her the best I could!” says Mama Adriene, who taught her daughters the value of love, loyalty, honesty and respect. Someday, she would want her daughters to also teach these values to their children.

“If and when I become a mother myself, I would be caring like her, I will try to understand how they grow up and that they have a voice, too. Kids nowadays have a lot to teach us,” says Daiana, a graduate of the New York Film Academy.

This Mother’s Day, Daiana has this to say to her mom, “Ma, I wish you happiness and wisdom in all your choices. I love you. Behave!” she ends with a wink and a hearty laugh.

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