Groundbreaking bands sign up with Curve

Curve Entertainment recently signed up five indie bands who are set to rock the music world with their respective brand of original music.

MANILA, Philippines — Groundbreaking artists never fail to make their presence felt in the local music scene. Expectedly, there are always new bands and music groups that ignite the live performance circuit, recording or even the social media.

Curve Entertainment recently signed up five indie bands who are set to rock the music world with their respective brand of original music. “We are optimistic with the re-emergence of these bands in the recording scene,” says Curve Entertainment president and CEO Narciso Chan. “We are really proud to get them join our growing stable of local artists.”

Kilos is a four-man alternative rock band composed of former high school friends who returned to take on the conventions of being in your ‘20s again, with a mix of heartbreaking lyrics and strong musicality.

After a fairly successful outing in 2010 with its debut album, Time Machine, Kilos retreated to its normal life to take a break. However, the pull of making music seemed stronger and overpowered its daily lives, so it returned to making music anew. The band is undoubtedly back to breaking hearts with its new, romantic single, Darating, Aalis. The group is simply unapologetic with its brand of music, yet with a different perspective in life and bittersweet love.

Insanara was among the Top 30 semi-finalists out of approximately 2,500 bands nationwide that auditioned and submitted an entry to the Nescafé Soundskool last 2010. Though the band was not fortunate enough to make it to the Top 5 grand finalists, that didn’t stop its musical journey.

Despite its struggles in the music scene, Insanara members continued their flair for creating music, targeting romantic individuals who are passionately in love, in a narrative form. They are ready with 12 original songs that cater to the hearts of individuals in all age brackets.

Reggae Mistress is the only reggae band in the Philippines fronted by three powerful women harmonized into one, with a unique style all their own aptly called the “Mistress Style.” Rene “Chong” Tengasantos and wife Irma (“Chang”) are two of the pioneers of reggae in the country, who formed the Pinoy-sounding reggae band back in 2002, inspired by the I Three, the back-up vocal trio of legendary Bob Marley.

Fresh from being nominated in last year’s Awit Awards in the Best World Music Recording category for its song, Bayle, Reggae Mistress has just digitally released its album, The Sistahs Are Doin’ It. The musical outing features the single, Pinay, a tribute to all Filipino women.

Another strong reggae artist is Lady I, a dance hall talent from Manila who has been performing since 2004 with Reggae Mistress, her family band and one of the reggae pioneers in the country.

Lady I’s music is a mix of reggae, dance hall/dub soul and blues influences. Heavily anchored on the reggae riddim, she infuses old school blues and rock and roll flavors, which make her voice a distinct sound. Her original compositions focus on freedom, herbal healing and the universal message of one love.

Purpleshoes is a Tarlac-based indie band whose members used to simply jam together as friends. However, upon realizing, the members gel together perfectly, they decided to form a band. The name for the band simply came up because of their common love for the color Purple and shoes. In music festivals around the country, Purpleshoes was often invited to front act for more popular bands before large crowds.

Playing original alternative rock music that the members wrote, Purple Shoes croons songs that pertain to situations of everyday life. Its debut single, Taguan, talks about patience and perseverance, in love and life, something that each member can relate to.

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