How Matteo and Sarah keep the passion alive

Team Ashmatt: Matteo Guidicelli and Sarah Geronimo

MANILA, Philippines — Although Matteo Guidicelli paired with his ex-girlfriend Alex Godinez in a recent movie and is about to star with Kim Chiu in the next, and Sarah Geronimo will be on a comeback flick with John Lloyd Cruz, Matteo and Sarah’s relationship remains as strong as ever.

In showbiz, where relationships are volatile, how can Team Ashmatt, as Matteo and Sarah are fondly called, manage to survive for over two years now?

“Trust — I think that’s the most important thing. That’s the open secret to any relationship,” Matteo stressed during his recent launch as endorser for footwear brand Saucony.

This year, Matteo vows to do more things he wants to do and not those people want him to. Among those in his plans are doing more independent films and a second album with more personal songs and “a new sound.”

Following his sold-out concert in Cebu last year, he also yearns to tour the country with his music. Will he bring Sarah with him this time?

“Sarah and I don’t work together and we’re not going to work together. We just want to do things differently and separately,” he explained. “We’re not a love team or anything. We’re not work partners. We are boyfriend, girlfriend. I think it’s different. We try to keep things separate.”

This Valentine’s, his wishes for Sarah, for himself and for everyone who love them are “harmony, peace of mind, good vibes and more smiles on their faces.”

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