Pia open to listen to other views about US military presence

Newly crowned Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach talks to the media during her homecoming news conference Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016. Philstar.com/Efigenio Toledo IV

MANILA, Philippines — Reigning Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach said she is "sticking" with her statement about US military bases during the question and answer portion of the 64th Miss Universe pageant.

But the Filipina beauty queen also said she would "gladly listen" to those who are against her answer.

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It can be remembered that Pia, during the pageant's top five Q&A, was asked: "Earlier this year, there was a controversy in the Philippines about the United States reopening of military base in your country. Do you think the United States should have a military presence in your country?"

She answered: "I think that the United States and the Philippines have always had a good relationship with each other. We were colonized by the Americans and we have their culture and our traditions even up to this day and I think that we're very welcoming with the Americans. And I don't see any problem with that at all."

During the news conference for her homecoming on Sunday, Pia defended her answer, saying: “The reason I think why we have such strong opinions on this is because it’s different when you’re sitting, you know, and you were watching it on TV and you were given time to think about the answer."

“You guys should take into consideration what it felt for me to stand there, hear the question and think of the answer right away," she added.

Pia further explained: “From what I understand, military presence is different from military bases. Military presence to me sounds like aid, military help, security. So for me, it doesn't sound negative at all. So that’s why I’m sticking with my answer.

IN PHOTOS: 9 gorgeous photos of Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach from Manila presscon

But she also said she's open to listen to those who are strongly against her answer during the pageant.

"If some people are very strongly... against it, I respect their opinion. And if ever they want to talk to me about their stand on it, I would gladly listen. I am open to listening to different kinds of opinion,” Pia said.

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